B. T. M. Willis, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford,C. J. Carlile, Department of Physics, University of Lund
Professor B. T. M. Willis
1953-1956 GEC Research Laboratory, London
1956-1984 Harwell Research Laboratory
1984-2007 Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Oxford
Life membership of British Crystallographic Association, 2001
Professor C. J. Carlile
1973 JRC Ispra Italy
1974-1975 Neutron Beam Research Unit, Rutherrford Appleton Laboratory
1975-1977 Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble
1978-1998 ISIS pulsed Neutron Source, RAL
1999-2006 Director of Institut Laue Langevin
2006- Lund University, Sweden
Glazebrook Medal of the Institute of Phtysics, London
Honorary D. Sc. University of Birmingham.