AP French Language Exam with Audio CD (REA)

2nd Edition (Advanced Placement (AP) Test Preparation)

All Categories > Language > French

Authors: Ellen Knauer
  • ISBN: 9780738607856
  • Price: LE 50.40
  • Special Offer Price: LE 40.32
  • Number Of Pages: 608
  • Edition: Second Edition
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Categories French  
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ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT GETTING A 5 ON THE AP FRENCH LANGUAGE EXAM? Get fully prepared with the AP French Language test prep AP teachers recommend. The Most Complete AP French Language Subject Review: Everything you need to know for the Advanced Placement French Language exam, selected and presented by a seasoned high school teacher with extensive AP French Language experience. Includes 3 audio CDs that prepare students for the listening and speaking portions of the exam. The Best AP French Language Practice Exams Available: 3 full-length AP French Language practice tests based on official AP French Language exam questions released by the College Board – balanced to include every AP topic and type of AP question you can expect on the actual AP French Language exam. Total Explanations of AP French Language Exam Questions & Answers: Each AP French Language practice test comes with detailed feedback on every question. We don’t just say which answers are right – but why the others are wrong, so you’ll be prepared for the AP French Language exam! Proven Test Prep Methods: REA’s focused AP French Language content and practical advice has helped millions of AP students score higher. With our step-by-step plan, you can earn a 5 on the AP French Language exam and get the credit you deserve! Recommended by AP French Language Teachers: For years, AP French Language teachers have relied on REA for effective, authoritative Advanced Placement study guides. Our authors include nationally known AP experts who have personally coached generations of successful Advanced Placement students. In our AP French Language test prep, we’ve drawn on the insights of an experienced AP French high school teacher to create one powerful volume.