Health Economics (4th Edition)

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Authors: Charles E. Phelps
  • ISBN: 9780321594570
  • Price: LE 78.80
  • Special Offer Price: LE 63.04
  • Number Of Pages: 656
  • Edition: 4 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Categories Health Care  
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“Although other excellent textbooks have appeared since the first edition, Phelps remains the gold standard.”
—Alan Garber, Stanford University

“It is an excellent book, well written, clear, provides both a good understanding of the structure of the health care system and the stakeholders, and presents economic analyses to explain their behavior.”
—Dana Mukamel, University of California–Irvine

“I think the text is well organized. …It is more a story than a textbook in some places, and I like that feature. It is as if Phelps has taken what he knows that is appropriate for an undergraduate audience and written it down and we can just upload it. Rather than an encyclopedic attempt at covering the field (which I think many textbooks attempt, and I find less engaging).”
—Shirley Svorny, California State University–Northridge

“The greatest strength of this text is its emphasis on current research. In each chapter, Phelps includes concise and meaningful citations to the latest and most important research.”
—Jeffrey Milyo, Tufts University.