Political Communication Bundle

An Introduction to Political Communication (Communication and Society)

All Categories > Social Sciences & Humanities > Mass Communication

Authors: Brian Mcnair
  • ISBN: 9780415410694
  • Price: LE 36.40
  • Special Offer Price: LE 29.12
  • Number Of Pages: 222
  • Edition: 4 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Categories Mass Communication  
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In this successful and well established textbook, Brian McNair examines how politicians, trade unions, pressure groups and terrorist organizations make use of the media. Separate chapters look at political media and their effects, the work of political advertising, marketing and public relations, and the communicative practices of organizations at all levels, from grass-root campaigning through to governments and international bodies.

This fourth edition is revised and updated to include:

the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004

developments in the war on terror since 2003, including the invasion of Iraq

the re-election of New Labour in 2005

the Gilligan affair, and changes in UK government communication since the Hutton report

the growing role of the internet in political communication.

An Introduction to Political Communication draws on a range of contemporary examples to show how politicians and political groups communicate.