Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials-Fifth Edition (SI Units)

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Authors: Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R Schmid
  • ISBN: 9789810679538
  • Price: LE 124.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 99.20
  • Number Of Pages: 1010
  • Edition: Fifth Edition Edition
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Categories Engineering - Material Science  

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This book is created for undergraduate courses in Mechanical, Industrial, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Programs. It is also used for graduate courses in Manufacturing Science and Engineering. This comprehensive, up-to-date text has balanced coverage of the fundamentals of materials and processes, adopts an analytical approach, and focuses on applications in manufacturing engineering. Students using this text will be able to properly assess the capabilities, limitations, and potential of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects. New Features with Great Benefits and Advantages! NEW- Enhanced Visuals to Aid Learning, many well-annotated figures have been added and enhanced to display 3-D photo-quality detail. Several figures contain multi-angled views, close ups and graphs for clearer instruction of concepts. They allow students to have clearer visualization resulting in better understanding. See chapter 7, page 389 NEW- 20% More Questions (especially so for those chapters on manufacturing processes) The text now boosts a collection of more than 1,440 questions. Students now have a wider range of questions to practice and apply the concepts. Lecturers now have more questions to select from, and these can be easily modified and added as new questions to their test banks. These questions are categorized as questions , problems and design , which can be found at the end of each chapter. NEW- Chapter Outline in the beginning of each chapter describes briefly its objectives and contents. This overview of the different sections helps instructors to create well-linked individual lesson plans for that particular chapter. It allows students to easily revise and recall the important concepts. NEW or Expanded Topics for the 5th edition- These topics widen and deepen the pool of the latest creditable resources for the teaching and learning of manufacturing processes. Students will be kept updated as they learn and practice on the latest technological processes. This equips them to be engineers who keep up with the fast changing manufacturing industry. NEW- Good Cross-references are provided throughout the text to aid students and to offer a broader perspective to the often-complex interrelationships of the topics described. They help instructors to better demonstrate the links of each concept and the different perspectives or dimensions of the processes. See chapter 7, page 399 (Fig 7.62) and page 400 (Fig 7,65). Also see page 401 (Example 7.10) and page 399 (Fig 7.63a) NEW- Updated bibliographies at the end of each chapter allow instructors and students to further their research on any topic.