Introduction to Clinical Neurology

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Authors: Douglas Gelb
  • ISBN: 9780750675062
  • Price: LE 87.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 69.60
  • Number Of Pages: 408
  • Edition: 3 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Categories Chemistry   Neurology  
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A practical guide to an often intimidating subject! Readers will appreciate the clear, sensible discussions of common neurologic conditions in this nicely updated New Edition. It details the initial examination, interpretation of results, diagnosis, treatment options, and more. Dr. Gelb's systematic approach to patient management, and his reader-friendly style, makes complex information easy to understand and apply.

Emphasizes the information necessary for success on clinical rotations and clerkships in neurology.

Approaches neurology the way it is taught by clinical instructors.

Offers step-by-step guidance on performing the initial neurologic examination.

Includes problem-solving aids for the interpretation of difficult examination results.

Excellent board review with numerous case studies and review questions written in USMLE style.

Illustrates key points with clearly executed line drawings.

Portable reference with a pocket-sized format.

The latest drugs and treatments as well as a more detailed section on the neurologic exam.

A new chapter containing additional case studies and answers for enhanced board review.