Numerical Methods for Engineers, Second Edition

All Categories > Engineering > Engineering - Mathematics

Authors: D. Vaughan Griffiths, I.M. Smith
  • ISBN: 9781584884019
  • Price: LE 65.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 52.00
  • Number Of Pages: 496
  • Edition: 2 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Categories Engineering - Mathematics  
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Although pseudocodes, Mathematica®, and MATLAB® illustrate how algorithms work, designers of engineering systems write the vast majority of large computer programs in the Fortran language. Using Fortran 95 to solve a range of practical engineering problems, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Second Edition provides an introduction to numerical methods, incorporating theory with concrete computing exercises and programmed examples of the techniques presented.

Covering a wide range of numerical applications that have immediate relevancy for engineers, the book describes forty-nine programs in Fortran 95. Many of the programs discussed use a sub-program library called nm_lib that holds twenty-three subroutines and functions. In addition, there is a precision module that controls the precision of calculations.

Well-respected in their field, the authors discuss a variety of numerical topics related to engineering. Some of the chapter features include…

The numerical solution of sets of linear algebraic equations

Roots of single nonlinear equations and sets of nonlinear equations

Numerical quadrature, or numerical evaluation of integrals

An introduction to the solution of partial differential equations using finite difference and finite element approaches

Describing concise programs that are constructed using sub-programs wherever possible, this book presents many different contexts of numerical analysis, forming an excellent introduction to more comprehensive subroutine libraries such as the numerical algorithm group (NAG).