Operations Management

All Categories > Business, Finance & Economics > Operation Management

Authors: Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston
  • ISBN: 9780273679066
  • Price: LE 64.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 51.20
  • Number Of Pages: 815
  • Edition: 4th edition
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Categories Operation Management  
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An essential tool for those wanting balanced coverage of services and manufacturing operations management. For Operations Management courses at both undergraduate and graduate level. This book is intended to provide an introduction to operations management for all students who wish to understand the nature and activities of operations management. Providing a clear, well-structured and interesting treatment of operations management, the text provides both a logical path through the various operations management activities as well as the fundamental understanding of their strategic context. This book strikes an interesting balance between the strategic and operational views of operations management and between manufacturing and service industry views of operations. Nigel Slack's Operations Management is THE authoritative, managerial view of the subject. The text outlines the importance of operations and demonstrates how crucial it is in creating the products and services upon which we all depend.This revised and fully updated edition of Operations Management continues to provide a clear, well-structured and comprehensive treatment of the subject, balancing a logical approach with the insights that come from real life operations examples and practices around the world.