Tempest (Rsc Shakespeare)

All Categories > Literature > English fiction 823

Authors: W Shakespeare
  • ISBN: 9780230217850
  • Price: LE 18.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 14.40
  • Number Of Pages: 176
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Categories English fiction 823  
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This is the first edition of "The Tempest" to be developed by and for the RSC, the world's leading Shakespeare theatre company and it includes unique material to help the reader understand and enjoy Shakespeare on the stage as well as on the page. It is illustrated with photographs of classic and unusual performances. It includes outstanding on-page notes which explain words and phrases unfamiliar to a modern audience, including the slang, political references and bawdy humour often ignored or censored in competing editions. It includes scene-by-scene summary, offering an easily understandable way into the play. It offers completely new introduction by Jonathan Bate, exploring the text and critical debates around it. It provides summary of the play's performance history at the RSC and elsewhere. It includes interviews with important Shakespearean directors Peter Brook, Sam Mendes and Rupert Goold discussing key productions at the RSC.Developed by and for the Royal Shakespeare Company, this new edition includes outstanding on-page notes, a comprehensive scene-by-scene summary, a new introduction from Jonathan Bate and interviews with celebrated directors Peter Brook, Sam Mendes and Rupert Goold, offering illuminating new angles on Shakespeare's magical vision.