Mechanics of Materials SI (6th Edition)

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Authors: Russell C. Hibbeler

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For undergraduate Mechanics of Materials courses in Mechanical, Civil, and Aerospace Engineering departments. Hibbeler continues to be the most student friendly text on the market. The new edition now offeres a new four-color, photorealistic art program featured in this edition helps students better visualize concepts difficult concepts. Hibbeler continues to have over 1/3 more examples than it's competitors, Procedures for Analysis problem solving sections, and a simple, concise writing style. All this comes at a price now lower than its main competitors for excellent student value Each chapter's material is organized into well-defined units that offer instructors great flexibility in course emphasis. Hibbeler combines a fluid writing style, cohesive organization, outstanding illustrations, and dynamic use of exercises, examples, and free body diagrams to help prepare tomorrow's engineers.